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Is the cry it out method harmful?

cry it out method

If you have followed this blog for long enough, you might already know that I have said before that I do not have the heart (or head and ears) for the cry it out method. While I do understand why some parents go for it, I must admit that I used to wonder: is the cry it out method harmful? Is letting a baby cry it out the best option?

READ: 7 Ways to tackle baby sleep crying

baby crying

What is the cry it out method?

The cry it out method is also referred to as the extinction method. 

Ask me and I will say that the cry it out (CIO) method is where parents let a baby cry themselves to sleep to the point where the baby no longer looks for help to fall asleep. 

A more formal definition of the cry it out method is given by Rosier and Cassels as ‘a sleep training method that encourages parents to let their infants cry at night by themselves for increments of time in order to get them to eventually sleep through the night, on their own’. 

Parents who have used this method will explain that it is not simply a matter of letting a baby cry themselves silly though.

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How to do cry it out method

To practice the cry it out method, you lay your baby down in their bed and leave them to sleep. If they cry, you let them continue for a full five minutes. You then go in again to pat them and comfort them. You do not pick them up. Then leave them again. You repeat the process by adding on an extra five minutes each time. The idea is that your baby should eventually feel secure enough to fall asleep on their own without any soothing from you.

What age is OK for cry it out?

There is no fixed age at which you can begin this form of sleep training with your baby. It is less about age and more about the developmental processes going on in your baby’s life when you hope to start this method of sleep training. The CIO method might not work right now if, for example, your baby has started to have inconsistent nap times, is teething, or has a cold.

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How long can a baby cry without stopping?

Babies can continue crying anywhere from a few minutes at a time to 2-3 hours continuously. How long is too long exactly is tough to pinpoint. However, Wessel’s ‘rule of three’ states that ‘crying in an otherwise healthy baby aged 2 weeks to 4 months that occurs more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days in any week for at least 3 weeks may be called excessive’. It is advisable to see your doctor if you think your baby cries for too long without stopping as it could be a sign of colic. 

What are the side effects of crying too much?

The easiest way for a baby to clearly communicate needs is through crying. Crying too much though can have some side effects. 

There are the more obvious side effects of excessive crying like headaches, sore throat, constantly stuffy nose and congestion, as well as puffy eyes. Babies who cry too much are also likely to be frequently gassy from all the air they swallow. They may also have hoarse voices

Then there are the more serious side effects of excessive crying. For example, research has found reports from mothers of behavioural, hyperactivity and mood problems developing around ages 5 – 6 when babies cry excessively.

Crying for too long can be stressful for babies. That stress means the presence of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that inhibits normal growth and the development of a healthy immune system.

Reading all these brain-related effects of prolonged periods of crying might make you wonder just how much damage the brain suffers from excessive crying. 

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Can a baby get brain damage from crying too much? 

You will find different conclusions on the online research into whether the cry it out method can cause psychological damage or brain damage. 

Some research concludes that ‘neuronal interconnections are damaged’ when a baby cries for too long. This is because the cortisol hormone released in high quantities leads to the baby’s brain not growing in the way that it should. The effects of this are not seen until much further down the line.

In essence, just like for adults, continuous or chronic stress is unhealthy for a baby’s brain. It is especially the case for a child under five years old as they are even more vulnerable to stress.

Other schools of thought classify the stress produced by the CIO method as ‘short term’ stress which is likely to be beneficial for a baby rather than traumatic. They do not view this stress as chronic and, therefore, it is not harmful.

In conclusion…

Research does indeed suggest that the cry it out method is harmful for babies. Yet, many families say that it has led to better sleep for everyone including the baby. The question is whether babies are better off for learning to sleep like that or not. Does the cry it out method teach them a negative way of reacting to stress? Does it create more stress for babies than their brains can handle?

Weighing up the pros of the cry it out method for your family may mean that you prefer to give it a shot despite all the research that says it could have a negative impact on your baby in the future.

Certainly, there are many families who will testify that they used the CIO method with all their children and they turned out just fine. 

Whichever route you decide to take, be aware that there are other sleep training methods you can try first. Do  not feel pressured to go down a specific route by anyone. Always be well-informed before making any decision and be sure that you are choosing the well-being of your baby and the sanity of your entire family first.

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